Castle Schottische

Dance introduced by: Richard Powers
Formation: Couples in a circle facing LOD. W on R side of M.
Starting arm position: Skaters Hold
Meter: 4/4
Steps used:  
Footwork is the same for M and W.
Measure Count Step
Part I  
1 1-4 Glide R foot diagonally to R (1), close L foot to R foot (2), glide R foot diagonally to R (3), swing L foot in an arc to L (4).
2   Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
3 1-4 Step on R foot diagonally to R (1), hold (2), step on L foot diagonally to L (3), hold (4).
4   Repeat counts 9-12, on last beat turn to face partner.
Part II
1 1-4 Drop R hands and step on R foot to R (1), close L foot to R foot (2), step on R foot to R (3), hold (4).
2   Drop L hands, take R hands and repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
3 1-4 At this point, the man is facing out of the circle and the woman is facing into the circle. Step on R foot towards R side of partner, starting a 1/4 turn (1), hold (2), step on L foot, continuing turn (3), hold.
4 1-4 Step on R foot, finishing turn (man is now facing RLOD and woman is facing LOD) (1), hold (2), man pivots to face LOD while woman holds (3), both hold (4). Arms go back to skaters' position.
Repeat parts I and II with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.



Bob Shapiro
(785) 266-7155
Copyright © 1996, Robert B. Shapiro
Revised December 25, 2003