Robin Ddiog - Wales

Introduced by Michael and Mary Ann Herman

Circle dance, arms in V-position. Meter 6/8.

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-6 Facing R around the circle, step forward on the R foot (1), step forward on the L foot (4).
2-3 Repeat measure 1 two times.
4 1-6 Step forward on R foot (1), turning to face center, step slightly to the L on L foot (4).
5 1-6 Step onto R foot (1), step onto L foot (4). With these two steps start to make a four-step clockwise turn.
6 Repeat measure 5, finishing turn. End facing center again.
7 1-6 Taking weight on all four stamps, stamp on R foot in place (1), stamp on L foot in place (3), stamp on R foot in place (4), stamp on L foot in place (6).
8 1-6 Stamp on R foot in place (1), stamp on L foot in place (4).
Part II
1 1-6 Facing center, step slightly to the R on R foot (1), swing L leg in front of R leg (4).
2 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2.
5 1-6 Taking weight on all four stamps, stamp on R foot in place (1), stamp on L foot in place (3), stamp on R foot in place (4), stamp on L foot in place (6).
6 1-6 Stamp on R foot in place (1), stamp on L foot in place (4).

Note: The dance is described here the way it is done in most groups. However, according to Ron Houston, in his "Folk Dance Problem Solver 1995", Part I, measures 1-6 of the dance should all be done with skips instead of steps, and measure 4, count 4 should not turn towards center.

Bob Shapiro
(785) 286-0761
Copyright © 1996, Robert B. Shapiro
Revised March 17, 2000