Erev Ba - Israel

Choreographed by Yoav Ashriel - 1960

Circle dance, hands in V-position. Meter 4/4

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Facing center, step to the R on R foot (1), step on L foot across R foot (2), step on R foot in place (3), step on L foot to L, turning to face RLOD (4).
2 1-4 Step forward on R foot (1), close L foot to R foot (2), step forward on R foot (3), hold (4).
3 1-4 Step back on L foot, turning to face center (1), step on R foot to R (2), step on L foot across R foot (3), step on R foot to R (4).
4 1-4 Step on L foot behind R foot (1), step on R foot to R (2), step on L foot across R foot (3), hold (4).
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4.
Part II
1 1-3 Make a 3-step turn to the R, moving in LOD and end facing center.
4 Step on L foot across R foot (4).
2 1-4 Step on R foot in place (1), step on L foot to L (2), step on R foot across L foot (3), step on L foot in place (4).
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2. At the end of measure 4, turn to face RLOD.
5 1-2 Step on R foot to R while extending arms slightly out sideways from body (1), step on L foot across R foot, crossing arms.
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2.
6 1-2 Repeat measure 5 counts 1-2.
3-4 Step on R foot to R and lean slightly to R bringing arms back to side (3), step on L foot in place (4).
7 1-2 Step on R foot across L foot, crossing arms (1), step on L foot to L while extending arms slighlty out sideways from body (2).
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2.
8 1-4 Step on R foot across L foot, crossing arms (1), step on L foot in place, starting a 3 step turn back over L shoulder (2), finish 3-step turn and end facing center (3-4).

Bob Shapiro
(785) 286-0761
Copyright © 2003, Robert B. Shapiro