Line dance, arms in escort position - meter 2/4
Count | Step |
1-2 | Facing R, take 2 steps forward, R L |
3-4 | Facing center, step on R foot next to L foot, touch L slightly forward |
5-6 | Repeat counts 3-4 with opposite footwork |
7-8 | Repeat counts 3-4 |
9-10 | Facing diagonally L, take 2 steps forward, L R |
11-12 | Facing center, step straight back on L foot (11), step back on R foot (12), step back on L foot (&) |
13-14 | Repeat counts 11-12 with opposite footwork |
15-16 | Facing to the right, make a small jump onto both feet (15), leap onto R foot (16), Step onto L foot (&) |