Lines, arms in W-Position (some notes say shoulder hold). Meter 2/4.
Measure | Count | Step |
1 | 1-2 | Facing center, tap ball of L foot forward with leg straight (1), tap ball of L foot again (2), tap ball of L foot again (&). |
2 | 1-2 | Tap ball of L foot one more time (1), lift and drop R heel while lifting L leg high with knee bent (2), step on L foot next to R foot (&). |
3-4 | Repeat measures 1-2 with opposite footwork. On count 2&, when you step on the R foot, lift the L leg slightly out to the side. | |
5 | 1-2 | Bring the L leg down and click heels (watch our for the ankles) (1), lift and drop the R heel and lift the L leg high with knee bent (2), step on the L foot next to the R foot (&). |
6 | 1-2 | Lift and drop the L heel and lift the R leg high with knee bent (1), pivot on the L foot to face R (2), step forward on R foot (&). |
7 | 1 | Lift and drop the R heel and lift the L leg high with knee bent (1), step forward on the L foot (&). |
2 | Repeat count 1& with opposite footwork, then pivot quickly to L to face center. |