Syrtos Tsirighetikos - Greece

Introduced by Joe Graziosi

This dance is done with a leader holding two kercheifs or bandanas in the left hand. There are two lines of people next to the leader, one behind the other, with the leader of each line holding one of the bandanas in the right hand. In the lines, everybody is facing center, and the hands are in the W-position for Part I and down for Part II.

This is an island syrtos. The music is in even rhythm, but for dancing we break it up into SSQ (Slow, Slow Quick) units. If we were counting, we would have three beats for each of the slow units and two beats for the quick.

Count Step
Stand there for 16 counts
Part I
1-2 Facing center, step on R foot slightly to the right, touch L foot next to R foot
3-4 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork and direction
SSQ Step on R foot to right, Step on L foot behind R foot, Step on R foot to right and face LOD
SSQ Step forward on L foot, Step forward on R foot, Close R foot to L foot
When you start the dance, the above set of steps is done 7 times. On repeats of part I, it is only done 3 times.
Part II
1-4 Repeat counts 1-4 of Part I
SSQ Facing to the right, step forward on R foot, Step forward on L foot, Close R foot to L foot
SSQ Step forward on L foot, step forward on R foot, close L foot to R foot
Repeat the above steps, except for counts 1-4, eight times
Alternate parts I and II until the music changes (you'll hear a sustained violin note). After that keep doing part II until the music ends.
Leader - Do part I as the line does. During part II, you can snake the lines around, turn or whatever other solo variations you want to do. After the music changes, you turn to face the lines and hold one kerchief in each hand. In addition to snaking and turning, you can also make bridges. There are three that are normally done.
1 Raise your arms up and out and go between the lines. The lines should turn away from each other and follow around.
2 Bring your arms down towards your sides and go between the lines. The lines should turn towards each other and follow you.
3 After you've done either of the previous two bridges, bring your arms down to the sides (or keep them there) and go backwards between the lines. Again, the lines should turn towards each other and follow you.

Bob Shapiro
(785) 286-0761
Copyright © 1996, Robert B. Shapiro
Revised March 17, 2000