Trgnala Rumjana - Bulgaria

Circle dance, arms in W-position. Meter 7/8 counted SQQ

Measure Count Step
1 SQQ Facing center, step on R foot to R (S), step on L foot in front of R foot (QQ)
2 SQQ Step on R foot to R (S), step on L foot behind R foot (QQ)
3 SQQ Step on R foot to R (S), lift L leg forward with bent knee (Q), hold (Q)
4 Repeat measure 3 with opposite footwork

That's the whole dance. The step is done a total of 32 times when done to the recording I have, but that may differ depending on the music you use.

Bob Shapiro
(785) 286-0761
Copyright © 2000, Robert B. Shapiro
Revised June 25, 2000